“Slave Species of the Gods”

Below is an interesting read from http://www.ancient-origins.net/

According to the book “Slave Species of the Gods” it seems we were all created to be slaves. I know that this may rock the boat of many of you religious people out there but black, white, yellow or red; no matter what colour our race or ethnic origins, we were all originally made for and destined for slavery according to the evidence put forward by Mr Tellinger. Go on have a read, I dare you!

Michael Tellinger, in his book Slave Species , presents the idea that humans were created by Gods with one sole purpose, to serve them. At first consideration, the idea sounds absurd, but the evidence provided by Tellinger is quite compelling. When we consider that almost all mythologies and religions cite stories of creation and manipulation of men from Gods, then perhaps we need to look at things from a different perspective than that set out by mainstream religion. And that way may not be to think of Gods as supreme spiritual beings, but rather beings from another advanced civilization that existed either on Earth or beyond. After all, a God, by definition, is a being that is superior in its abilities and powers, but this needn’t mean that it cannot be made of flesh and blood. It is important to remember that the origins of the word ‘Myth’ go back thousands of years and the meaning back then was ‘true stories’ and not fictions of imagination as it is now.

Tellinger goes back in time and presents the threads through which our slavery becomes evident. He meticulously outlines each topic through different religions and mythologies presenting the facts separate from his opinion. He shows how ‘Gods’ and ‘Authorities’ in the history of mankind manipulate the masses and the majority of people are being used to serve the few.

Whether you will believe him or not is another matter. One thing is for sure, as Tellinger writes, human beings have been slaves, in one way or another, through the history of the humanity. Today we are not slaves of one king or god but we are slaves of our governments, big organizations, our jobs and most importantly of money. I am sure that at least on this point most would agree.
The question remains. Is all of this a deliberate plan of beings from another planet?

By John Black

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