CCI’s Pastor Obed institutionalizes the Hail Mary prayers in his church

Pastor Obed Obeng-Addae

Senior Presbyter of Christ Cosmopolitan Incorporated seems to have stirred up controversy when he institutionalized the “hail Mary” prayers in his church.

He instructed that the “Hail Mary” be said consistently at the church’s Thursday meetings in a telecast on Cosmopolitan TV.

Pastor Obed Obeng-Addae in a sermon in his church which was also telecasted on his TV Channel; Cosmopolitan TV chastised Christians for their thinking that the Catholics are wrong when they make mention of Mary and seek her intervention in certain matters.

“Your problem is that you think the Catholics are wrong” he said and added that “I passionately say the Hail Mary”.

Pastor Obed explained that there was no person on earth who was full of grace and favor as Mary. “She was the only woman who was ever called WOMAN” he explained citing biblical references.

He explained that Mary is not supposed to be seen as the object of prayers but rather part of a communion of saints.

He said if Mary intercedes on a matter, that matter is handled very seriously in heaven.

He however stated that Mary does not pray for sinners hence the request that Mary prays for “us sinners” is not correct. He hinted that engaging Mary in prayers may cause things to happen that are not yet due.

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  1. He is wrong to say Mary does not pray for sinners. They are those who need her intercession the most and she does that for them. Those who are well really don’t need a physician.

    1. Naaa my brother
      Your confusion here is who a sinner is
      The unbelieving souls are what mostly the Bible refers to as sinners and they need to get born again to participate in the resurrection that led us to cleansing and purging
      And Mary doesn’t pray for sinners to get born again or get forgiven
      There’s a way to get forgiven when you are a sinner which is being born again and There’s a way to be forgiven as a believer and that is confessing your sins and God is faithful and just to forgive our sins

      So why would you need an intercessor. It’s not the way as the scriptures has said

  2. This man of God is a learned man. Y’all should listen to a message or two from him.. You’d be blessed! He says everything as they are. Not minding whether it goes against the denominational doctrines or not. Once it is in the bible, he will say it clearly as it is written. Such a great man in our days! God bless him

  3. I wish all believers listen to this man of God’s messages. They are eye openers and deep from the ovens of heaven. He says as it is and there is a witness within us that confirm what he says to be true from the scriptures. Go to YouTube and download his messages and you will thank me later. Shalom

    1. I haven’t met anyone who speaks the mind of God like Pastor Obed does, his gifted with wisdom from above, he is a blessing to me and my Generation, Infact he’s God’s gift to mankind. Just get on YouTube download and listen to his messages and your life will change for the best. Shalom

  4. Where is it written in the Bible that Mary was to intercede for anyone. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Did ye not read that the curtains in the temple was torn from top to down. Being that Jesus destroyed the old system of intersection.

    When Jesus was going to the Father, what did he say, I will leave you with a comforter, a helper, who is the Holy Spirit, who intercedes with groanings for us. So please tell me where did Jesus ever say that Mary intercedes or should intercede for anyone.
    Apart from the Son , Christ and the Holy Spirit, no one else is closer to the Father, not even the 24 angels. So tell me again where in the Bible did Christ say we should pray Hail Mary, Jesus mentioned the Lords Prayer. Hail Mary is not in the Bible.

    How much of Jesus have you learnt, and lived, that you are now studying Mary, because you want to get something from the Father or enter Heavenly corridors, when Jesus is your access, and by Him you have everything but you don’t know what is yours so you base your faith on a human being who served her purpose and is gone.

    My family, as Christ is our head and we are hid with Him in the Father, please do not follow religious doctrines which Christ abolished. I pray that the Church will come to the realization of who God , my Father really is.

  5. You said it all. There no biblical proof to that effect. Only Jesus can intercedes on humans behalf. Not Mary, a human being.

  6. “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,”
    ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭4:1-2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    Where should we get our doctrines from? The scriptures or the traditions of men. Did The Lord Jesus ever suggest that believers ever pray through Mary in any way? Did any of the prophets and apostles on whose foundation we are building ever practice or suggest that. Pastor you are going astray and misleading the many who know nothing more than what their pastor says. What went wrong my brother??

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