Libya crisis: Speeches won’t help, Action is needed-Fighters League

Fighter General of the Economic Fighters League; says flowery speeches won’t help in the backward treatment of migrants in Libya.

A statement issued by the league and signed by Commander Hardi Yakubu says African governments have been disappointingly slow in their response to “this criminality”.

“What is happening in Libya where human beings, Africans, are tortured and sold off is a clear violation of these conventions and it calls for the strongest response possible.”

They call for military deployment immediately in order to free the captured slaves and wipe out the “cockroaches perpetrating this crime against humanity”.

“We have heard the usual speeches. But these speeches have proven to be very useless in times of crisis over the years. Action is needed. The only strong, logical action at this point is a military deployment to free the captured slaves and wipe out the cockroaches perpetrating this crime against humanity”.

Please read full statement here:

It is unfathomable that in this age, crude slavery where human beings are offered for sale like commodities is happening. But that is the situation in Libya today. It is bad enough that such a thing is happening but the fact that it is happening on African soil makes it worse. It is very disappointing, to say the least, that African governments have been very slow in their response to this criminality.

The memory of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade is for us to prevent a repetition of such a wicked and barbarian practice.

It is because of this that several Conventions have been passed by the African Union and the United Nations. What is happening in Libya where human beings, Africans, are tortured and sold off is a clear violation of these conventions and it calls for the strongest response possible.

We have heard the usual speeches. But these speeches have proven to be very useless in times of crisis over the years. Action is needed. The only strong, logical action at this point is a military deployment to free the captured slaves and wipe out the cockroaches perpetrating this crime against humanity.

We note that due to the criminal action by NATO, Libya has no functional government. And there is no authority over militant gangs parading the streets. Therefore it will be foolhardy to expect Libya as a stateless entity to do anything about this grave matter at this time. African countries must therefore deploy troops immediately. The AU must coordinate this military effort through the African Reserve Force.

Western countries who are nothing but leeches intruding and causing trouble where they are not welcome must be ashamed. This matter calls on all well-meaning Africans to confront the western threat with utmost seriousness.

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