Duncan Williams, Lydia Forson Saga: Why Lydia Forson took it personal

Lydia Forson2014 appears not be a very good year for Archbishop Duncan Williams, as- almost every prophecy or statement he made gets a robust rebellious reaction from the public.

Among the most popular was his special session prayer for Cedi, his demonization of Ebola, and his prayer against pastors planting churches around where is church headquarters is located.

No one could have predicted there would be another quick one, when the arguably Ghana’s most respected man of God touched the most delicate part of the weaker vessels (female) as described by the Holy Book, on their marital status.

Archbishop Duncan while preaching to his congregation on the importance of marriage and the “privilege” of being a married woman, never foresaw he was going to be taken on by the Movie Academy Award winning actress, Lydia Forson.

The man of God, in his usual action laden demonstration, and convincing voice, told his audience, particularly, the females, who are married to see the marriage institution as a privilege “ those of you (women) who are married must be thankful; you have to thank God that you’re married”.

While buttressing his point, he gave a scripture reference Isaiah Chapter 4 verse 1, saying “in the times we live in, it is 7 women to 1 man; that is what the bible says”.

The part that gets many ladies who supported Lydia Forson’s vituperation against the man of God was his assertion about the “shame” and “reproach” of unmarried women. This is how he put it: “According to scripture, seven women will plead just to marry one man, just to take his name and take away their shame and reproach”.

It was obvious this statement didn’t land well in the think tank of many singles, including celebrities yet to marry; it took Lydia Forson to take to Twitter, to give a damning reply.

Lydia Forson who is single as her twitter handle signifies, in the first paragraph of her letter to Archbishop Duncan, asked if he could marry her or give her a “married man in his church” since that is the validation life is all about.

She also used this opportunity to spit out-indirectly- how married women gets hurts in marriage, and still have to be blamed for a crashed marriage, if they dare to quit: “I promise, with all my honor, that if you beat me, cheat on me, abuse my children and don’t even provide financially for me I will stay!! “I want to continue to have value so I will stay married even if it sends me to the grave. I make wild k3k3.” She stylishly addressed the issue of equality and what the society sees as sins for women, but “normal” for men: “In fact, let them be married and still sleep with a million women, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, they are even giving the women validation.

“Ignore all those women who say what about the men? What do they mean by that? Don’t they know men don’t need validation? They were born validated. They can’t do any wrong in Gods eyes”.

As if that was not enough, Lydia Forson, who seemed to be so pained by Duncan Williams’ assertions which reflects the mindset of the African society about marriage, religious leaders and women, did a part 2 letter, which he tagged: ‘Letter of Apology’.

“I apologize for touching your anointed. I apologize for being offended by his statement. I apologize for making a joke out of it; in fact I apologize for not writing a more serious piece on how his statement really made me feel.

“I apologize for not giving bible references to all the great women in the bible that God used to do wonders- even though they were “unmarried” and had no children.”

Lydia further revealed her pains and frustration over the little value placed on unmarried women, the classification of sins by men of God; the taboo of not challenging whatever men of God says, and the African believe of having no opinion when the supposed elders are speaking: “I apologize that I didn’t talk about my mother, who is unmarried, and yet I value her from the bottom of my heart. I apologize for not talking about how the same bible is strongly against divorce, and how one sin is no greater or less than another.

“I apologize for not recognizing that I’m not allowed to have an opinion where a man of God is concerned. But above all I apologize on behalf of my father Rev. Dr. M.K Forson, for raising me to have an opinion.”

The two letters has however gone viral, with various sizzling, and sensationlised headlines. As it is the style of Rev Duncan, one cannot hope that’s the end to the show, as he’s likely to launch a rejoinder this coming Sunday.

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